Saturday, February 13, 2010

Day 4: Mischief with Merchants

     So, on movies the quickest way to get popular is through gossip. If it works for Hollywood, then it should work for LA, right? That's what I want to find out. I figured it would work better if I told people that were really desperate to be high class society. You know, the merchants that wanna be noble lords and ladies. They go to tell the lords and ladies, the lords and ladies tell the Queen's and King's personal lords and ladies. Then, the whole kingdom knows who you are, what grade you're in, and they wanna hang out with you. That's easy, right? Wrong. Your gossip-- that you start-- has to be something worth talking about. That's the hard part. I have nothing going right now and I don't know what I could possibly make up that the upper class society would like. I don't know anything about what high society, and merchants, interests. So I figure that I just have to make someone interested in me. Preferably, a cute guy. Hopefully a lord or a higher class merchant.
     So, I didn't expect my plan to work, but apparently my makeover went better than I thought it did. It was Saturday and I was at the beach. Yeah, I know it was like 67 degrees or something but the beach was my mom's favorite place before she died. I was wearing a blueish green bikini with an extra large white sweater but I had it un-zipped. The wind was blowing so I had my hair up in a sloppy-ish bun that was half ponytail. it looked a lot better than it sounds. trust me. I wasn't looking for attention or starting my plan to get popular ar anything. I hadn't been planning to do that until the next day of school. I didn't expect to see anyone at the beach. No one from my school comes to the beach on Saturday mornings. I was just walking and singing and looking for shells. It might be kind of wierd but my mom loved the beach and she loved making jewelry so I make jewelry out of the shells. I've gotten really good at it and I wear them everyday. They make me feel closer to my mom. Anyways, I was just doing my thing when a voice spoke from behind me.
Voice: You've got a nice voice there.
I just kept walking. No one ever talks to me, so I figured this time wouldn't be any different.
Voice: Excuse me, I just couldn't help but hear. You've got an amazing voice. Do you take lessons?
I looked around me so I could see the person that the voice was talking to. I wanted to hear the amazing voice to but the second I stopped singing, so did the amazing voice. I turned around the cutest guy I've ever seen was standing in front of me. He has dark green eyes and black hair that reaches the nape of his neck. It was wet so it looked kind of.....idk, pasted to his forhead? Whatever it was, it working for him.
  • Me: Um, are you talking to me?
  • Voice: Well, (he smiled down at me. I'm kind of short, 5ft. 3in. but he had to be atleast 6ft.) We are the only people at this beach.
  • Me: Sorry, I'm not used to people talking to me.(why did I tell him that? Such a dork!) Well, thank you for the compliment.
I turned around to go. If i stayed around that guy long enough, he would eventually see the real me and run away. I didn't want to give him the chance. Then I broke out into a run. I'd never run faster in my life.
  • Voice: Hey! Wait!
  • Me: (I turned my head but kept running) Sorry! I've got somewhere to be. I'm just in a rush.
  • Voice: Can I atleast get your name? (he was yelling now, I was very far away).
I turned my head back around and pretended I couldn't hear him. I didn't really have anywhere to be so I just went home. I chilled out there until I got kind of bored. I went to get a smoothie just to get out of the house. I was just there waiting in line, minding my own business when someone said, "So, this is where you had to be. Are you meeting your friends?" I was shocked, not because someone spoke to me but because I already recognized the voice. And the face that matched it.
  • Me: Don't have any. Guess again.
  • Voice: C'mon. Everyone has friends. (he looked at my face-- no. more like he stared into it. It was really intense.) Do I know you?
  • Me: How could you? I don't really get out much.
  • Voice: No. I'm pretty sure I've seen you before. I'm just pretty surprised that I never actually say you, you know. (he closed his eyes. he looked like he was thinking pretty hard. Then he flashed his eyes open and and snapped.) I got it! Krim...Smith! We go to the same school! How come I never noticed you? (then realization found his face) Oh. I guess you weren't kidding about not having any friends, huh?
  • Me: No, I wasn't.
  • Voice: Well, I'm Derrick. Let me be your first friend. Whaddya say? Say yes. Or better yet, say maybe even more than friends.
  • Me(my smoothie got there, now that he knew my name and my statues, he was surely gonna remember my embarrassing moments. I had to get out of there!) Well, I got what I came fore so.... See you umm, if I ever see you.
I practicly ran out the store. I had that part planned but, I didn't plan on him following me.
  • Derrick: If you don't wanna be friends with me, just say so to my face.
  • Me: No, I wanna be friends.
  • Derrick: Then what that? (he pointed to the shop) and then back at the beach? You rany away from twice in one day! It seems more like me!
  • Me: It's not you that I hate! (I turned around and began walking slowly. I hoped that he would follow me. he did)
  • Derrick: Then who do you hate? Just tell me who hurt you and I promise, I'll make sure they never do it again.
  • Me: Me! I can't stand being this weak!
  • Derrick: You? What bad thing did you do ever do besides stealing my heart and running away with it twice?
  • Me: ?
I made my own quote in that very second and decided to live by it starting right then and there! Here it is: When in doubt, run the oposite direction. As fast as you can!


  1. Oh my God! He seems nice, Krim. You should give him a chance ;)

    I'm Nadine by the way. Good luck being Queen!

    P.S. I promoted your blog on my twitter, I hope you don't mind :)

  2. Go Krim! if u ignore him 2 long, he might find someone else! tlk 2 him!

  3. u should tak to him he seams nice
